Category : Community

cyber insurance

Cyber Insurance: Does Your Organization Need It?

A cyber attack is not just inconvenient and expensive, it can be an existential threat to an organization.

For companies that sell products through e-commerce or maintain electronic data on their customers, a systems breach involving this information can cripple or ruin a business. It is no longer a question of “if” any given company or organization is going to be hit with a cyber-attack — it is when.

And when that attack comes, who is willing to take on that risk?

working from home cyber security

Working From Home: Cyber Security

In the past few weeks, we examined risks and recommendations for organizations caused by the Coronavirus as well as provided a few things to keep in mind when working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Health officials are urging people to stay home and to exercise proper hygiene to stay safe and help prevent the virus spread. 

But what about cyber hygiene?

Turns out you should apply the same level of care to your supportive technology.

working from home

Coronavirus: Tips When Working From Home

With the current situation around Coronavirus, many workplaces and venues made a tough and rightful decision to temporarily close their doors (that is to promote social distancing) based on the recommendations from local and federal health authorities. That means many people are now required to work from home until COVID-19 is under control.

Last week, we shared our risks and recommendations for businesses in the light of the Coronavirus outbreak. Since many organizations elected to have most of their staff work remotely, we feel it is important to provide a few simple yet essential tips for everyone who is working from home.


Coronavirus and Your Business: Risks and Recommendations

Yesterday, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified Coronavirus (or COVID-19) as pandemic. The virus is already impacting many day-to-day activities including mass gatherings (conferences, concerts, sport events) which get postponed, cancelled or moved online (web conferencing).

On the other hand, the organizations worldwide are facing increased pressure due to COVID-19 which is already disrupting business operations of many companies.

The questions is How prepared is your organization for Coronavirus?

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