
Unlocking the Secrets of Cybersecurity: Deception Technology

In the high-stakes realm of cybersecurity, the game is all about thwarting hackers and safeguarding your most sensitive data. A modern, cutting-edge strategy for cybersecurity is called “Zero Trust,” and it’s revolutionizing security. Instead of relying on a single fortress-like perimeter defense, Zero Trust meticulously guards each resource within your network.

Imagine traditional perimeter cyber defenses as a medieval castle surrounded by a moat. Once an attacker breaches those towering walls, they’re practically free to roam. Now, picture Zero Trust as a bustling airport with multiple security checkpoints before you can even think about boarding a plane.

But here’s the kicker: Even with the most robust security measures in place, no system is foolproof. Even the largest, most compliance-oriented organizations can find themselves in the crosshairs of a determined attacker. When the breach alarm sounds, your next line of defense is crucial. Enter “Deception Technology.”

MSP Hype-Cycle: Understanding the journey to success.

We have all seen the “Gartner Hype Cycle” curve. It comes up in many discussions, most often about the adoption of new technologies. You can learn about the Gartner methodology here. But that curve shows up in many places, such as the “Competence Curve” for example and it also shows up in the MSP business.

Let’s have a look at how it appears in your relationship with your IT Services provider:

What is Threat Modelling and why you should be doing it?

Businesses consider risk from many points of view: strategic, financial, compliance, and reputational. One common thread of risk throughout is cybersecurity risk. Unfortunately, cyber threats continuously increase and permeate every facet of the modern digital organization.

Businesses must take proactive steps to protect their sensitive data and assets from cybercriminals. This article provides a simplified guide to cybersecurity Threat Modelling for businesses.

cyber insurance

Cyber Insurance: Does Your Organization Need It?

A cyber attack is not just inconvenient and expensive, it can be an existential threat to an organization.

For companies that sell products through e-commerce or maintain electronic data on their customers, a systems breach involving this information can cripple or ruin a business. It is no longer a question of “if” any given company or organization is going to be hit with a cyber-attack — it is when.

And when that attack comes, who is willing to take on that risk?

Industrial Control Systems

Industrial Control Systems: Bringing Connectivity, Visibility and Security to Industrial Environments

Today, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are more connected to corporate IT networks than ever. With many organizations deploying new industrial devices into the environment, deep integration between IT, cloud, and industrial networks is creating many security challenges to digitization efforts.

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